Researchers behaviour sequence analysis

Welcome to ReBSA
We are an international network of Researchers in Behaviour Sequence Analysis. We conduct research into understanding the progression of behaviours in applied, real-world settings. Our focus is on providing clear and accessible insight into complex behaviours. Our research directly relates to policy making, legal issues, and interventions, and we are always keen to promote engagement and impact. Topics we have been involved in range from Forensic and Social Psychology, through to Health Psychology and Public Policy Making. Please see our Projects page for more information about our current research and collaborations.
The 'About BSA' page provides further details on what behaviour sequence analysis is, why it is important, and links to further reading. More information will be added, including tutorials and examples, over the coming weeks.
If you would like to know more information about us, either find our contact details on the Members page, or send a message to us as a group via the Contact page.
We are always keen to hear from potential collaborators (both in academia and in industry).