Dr Ben Jackson
Ben received his PhD from the University of Leeds (UK) in 2008. In May of that year, he began work as a Research Associate within the School of Sport Science, Exercise and Health (SSSEH) at University of Western Australia. He worked as a Lecturer in SSSEH from January 2012, and has been in his current role, as a Senior Lecturer, since March 2015.
Dr Jackson's research is based within the 'Psychology of Active, Healthy Living' (PAHL) group in the School of Sport Science, Exercise and Health. The primary research themes and areas of expertise within the PAHL group are:
The study of group and relationship processes within exercise and health contexts
Issues relating to self-regulation, self-control, and motivation in exercise and health
Models and mechanisms of persuasion in health and exercise
Dr Jackson collaborates with ReBSA in projects relating to public health.
For more information about Dr Jackson, please visit his website: HERE
Selected Publications
Howle, T.C., Whipp, P.R., Gairns, F., Thornton, A.L., Rebar, A.L., Jackson, B. 2016, 'Construct validity evidence for a measure of peer athletic reputation (PAthR) in high school physical education', Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 24, pp. 9-17. Detail
Dimmock, J.A., Guelfi, K.J., West, J.S., Masih, T., Jackson, B.S. 2015, 'Does motivation for exercise increase post-exercise snacking behaviour?', Nutrients, 7, 6, pp. 4804-4816. Detail
Howle, T.C., Dimmock, J.A., Whipp, P., Jackson, B.S. 2015, 'Moving to self-present: An investigation into proposed antecedents of 2 x 2 self-presentation motives', JOURNAL OF SPORT & EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY, 37, pp. 547-558. Detail
Sparks, C.R., Dimmock, J.A., Whipp, P., Lonsdale, C., Jackson, B.S. 2015, '"Getting connected": High school physical education teacher behaviors that facilitate students' relatedness support perceptions', Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology, 4, pp. 219-236. Detail
Gairns, F.K., Whipp, P., Jackson, B.S. 2015, 'Relational perceptions in high school physical education: Teacher- and peer-related predictors of female students’ motivation, behavioral engagement, and social anxiety', Frontiers in Psychology, 6, pp. n/a. Detail