Lucas Chesworth
Welcome to the ReBSA profile of Lucas Chesworth BSc, MBPsS. Lucas is a recent psychology with forensic psychology graduate from the University of Lincoln. He is currently enrolled on a master programme, reading forensic psychology. Lucas’ thesis is exploring behaviour sequence analysis and pathways to terrorism, and is supervised by Dr David Keatley.
Currently, Lucas is employed as a support worker by a charity that provides accommodation for young people, who have been faced with homelessness. As a support worker, Lucas helps vulnerable teenagers by empowering them to gain independence and stability. Furthermore, Lucas has volunteered for the past 4 years within the Witness Service at Lincoln’s crown court.
Future opportunities that Lucas would like to pursue include, becoming chartered as a forensic psychologist, researching terrorism and ways of decreasing this offence type, and to work with the UK Foreign Office.
Lucas’ other research areas include, risk taking, risk management, and national security protection. However, his undergraduate dissertation investigated the online disinhibition effect, and how this is accountable for individuals meeting strangers via online geographical dating applications for sex.
For more information relating to Lucas Chesworth, please email him: 12376445@students.lincoln.ac.uk