Dr Daniel Gucciardi
Daniel is an Associate Professor in the School of Physiotherapy and Exercise Science, at Curtin University, Australia. His research interests are in applied psychology with a particular focus on personal and contextual factors related to high performance, health behaviours and well-being in contexts such as sport, education and the workplace. Within this broad spectrum of research, Daniel is currently involved in several projects that span topics such as doping in sport, mental toughness, life skills development, resilience, workplace well-being, and stress. Some of his research is currently supported by a Curtin Research Fellowship, and funding from the Australian Research Council and the International Olympic Committee. Daniel currently serves as an Associate Editor (Sport, Exercise and Performance Psychology) and Academic Editor (PeerJ) for two outlets, and sits on the editorial boards (Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, Psychology of Sport and Exercise, Case Studies in Sport and Exercise Psychology) of several international journals; he is also a member of the National Executive for the College of Sport and Exercise Psychologists (Australian Psychological Society). You can follow Daniel’s Twitter account (@DanielGucciardi) for news and information related to his research and areas of interest.
Dr Gucciardi collaborates with ReBSA in projects relating to mental toughness, stigma, doping, and public health.
For more information about Dr Gucciardi, please visit his website: HERE
Selected Publications
Coulter, T., C. Mallett, J. Singer, and D. F. Gucciardi. 2016.“Personality in sport and exercise psychology: Integrating a whole person perspective.”International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 14 (1): 23-41.
Meggs, J., J. Golby, C. Mallett, D. F. Gucciardi, and R. Polman. 2016.“The Cortisol Awakening Response and Resilience in Elite Swimmers.”International Journal of Sports Medicine 37: 169-174.
Gucciardi, D. F. 2016.“Mental toughness as a moderator of the intention-behaviour gap in the rehabilitation of knee pain.”Journal for Science and Medicine in Sport 1. In press.
Gucciardi, D. F., P. Peeling, K. Ducker, and B. Dawson. 2016.“When the going gets tough: Mental toughness and its relationship with behavioural perseverance.”Journal for Science and Medicine in Sport 19 (1). In press.
Mahoney, J., N. Ntoumanis, D. F. Gucciardi, C. Mallett, and J. Stebbings. 2016.“Implementing an Autonomy-Supportive Intervention to Develop Mental Toughness in Adolescent Rowers.”Journal of Applied Sport Psychology in press. In press.
Zhang, C., P. Chung, G. Si, and D. F. Gucciardi. 2016.“Measuring decentering as a unidimensional construct: The development and initial validation of the Decentering Scale for Sport.”Psychology of Sport and Exercise 24. In press.
Cavalheri, V., L. Straker, D. F. Gucciardi, P. Gardiner, and K. Hill. 2016.“Changing physical activity and sedentary behaviour in people with COPD.”Respirology 1. In press.