Dr Andrey Barsky
Andrey Barsky is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Nottingham, who currently specialises in computational neuroscience and machine learning techniques. He has interests in advanced statistics, data science, and systems psychology.
He completed his PhD in 2015, focusing on multivariate statistical methods for modelling structure and sequence in public attitudes. Afterward he worked at the Horizon Digital Economy Research Institute on a data mining project which aimed to link demographic and consumer transaction data, and has most recently been involved with a project at the University of Nottingham researching brain tissue classification in patients with multiple sclerosis.
Selected Publications
Barsky, A.D. (2014). “Sequences of Attitude Formation on Environmental Technologies”. Poster
given at the EASP General Meeting, Amsterdam; and at the BPS Social Section
Postgraduate Conference, Canterbury.
Barsky, A.D. (2013). “Attitudes on Emerging Technologies”. Invited external seminar at the
University of Cardiff School of Architecture.
Barsky, A.D. (2013). “Sequences of Attitude Formation”. Internal seminar at the University of
Nottingham School of Psychology.
Barsky, A.D. (2013). “Psychology of Carbon Capture and Storage”. Talk given at the NCCCS PhD
event, British Geological Survey, Keyworth.
Barsky, A.D. (2012). "Thinking about thinking: Attitudinal forecasting in public perceptions of
carbon capture”. Talk given at the School of Psychology postgraduate conference,
University of Nottingham.
Barsky, A.D. (2012). “Methods for investigating public attitudes toward new technologies”.
Talk given at Horizon Digital Economy Research Institute, University of Nottingham.