Katie Moran, BSc (Hons)
Katie graduated from the University of Nottingham in 2012 with a first-class degree in Psychology. She was first introduced to behaviour sequence analysis through Prof. David Clarke who was her tutor and supervised her final year project. Katie employed the use of behaviour sequence analysis to understand students’ beliefs in how eating disorders develop, comparing those with or without and experience of eating disorders.
Since graduating, Katie has been interested in mental health, working in both a research and clinical capacity in learning disabilities, forensic services, dementia, psychosis and eating disorders. She is keen to consider how behaviour sequence analysis can be applied in novel ways to understand mental health.
Katie currently works as an Assistant Psychologist for an eating disorders service in Norfolk.
Moran, K., Keatley, D. A. & Clarke, D. D. (submitted) Onset scenarios for Anorexia Nervosa: Student beliefs and expectations. Journal of Health Psychology
Schrank, B., Moran, K., Borghi, C & Priebe, S (2015) How to support patients with severe mental illness in their parenting role with children aged over 1 year? A systematic review of interventions. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 50(12), pp 1765–1783
Moran, K & Priebe, S (2016) Better quality of life in patients offered financial incentives for taking anti-psychotic medication – linked to improved adherence or more money?” Quality of Life Research, 25(8), pp 1897-902
Pavlickova, H., Forrest A., Moran, K., Ashton, C., O’Connor, N & Priebe S (submitted). Patient experiences of receiving financial incentives for anti-psychotic medication. BMC Psychiatry
Drafted the following NIHR final report:
Priebe, S., Bremner, S., Eldridge, S., Lauber, C., Henderson, C & Burns, T on behalf of the FIAT research team (2016). Financial incentives to improve adherence to anti-psychotic maintenance medication in non-adherent patients: a cluster randomised controlled trial. NIHR Health Technology Assessment Programme (Ref 07/60/43)
The FIAT Trial– the clinician experience of offering financial incentives, World Association of Social Psychiatry Jubilee Conference, London, 2014