Prof. David Clarke
David Clarke is Emeritus Professor of Psychology, and former Head of School at the University of Nottingham, UK. He holds doctorates from the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, has given lecture courses at Oxford, Cambridge and Nottingham, and has supervised forty-eight successful PhDs. Having started his career in medical sciences, he mainly researches pathways into and out of dangerous situations, using Behavioural Sequence Analysis to study road traffic collisions, evacuations, fights, rapes, relationship breakdowns, and mental disorders. He has held research grants and contracts from the ESRC, MRC, NERC, Leverhulme Trust, Transport Research Laboratory, Defence Evaluation and Research Agency, Department for Transport, Vehicle and Operator Services Agency, Transport for London, Higher Education Innovation Fund, National Centre for Carbon Capture and Storage, and the Department for Health. He is a Fellow of the British Psychological Society, and a Chartered Psychologist.
For more information please visit David Clarke's personal webpage: HERE
Selected Publications (For a full list, please click HERE)
Harré, R., Clarke, D. D. and De Carlo, N. (2015) Motives and mechanisms: An introduction to the psychology of action. London: Routledge. Hardback and e-book editions. Republication of 1985 Methuen edition in the Routledge 'Psychology Revivals' series. ISBN 978-1-13894776-4 & 978-1-315-66945-8.
Lawrence, C., Fossi, J. and Clarke, D. D. (2010) A sequential examination of offenders' verbal strategies during stranger rapes: the influence of location. Psychology, Crime & Law, 16(5), 381-400. ISSN: 1477-2744.
Lawson, G., Sharples, S., Clarke, D., and Cobb, S. (2009). Development of a technique for predicting the human response to an emergency situation. In D. Harris (Ed) Engineering Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference, EPCE 2009. (Held as Part of HCI International 2009, San Diego 19-24 July 2009.) pp 22-31. Springer: Heidelberg.
Lawson, G., Sharples, S., Clarke, D., and Cobb, S. (2009). The use of experts for predicting human behaviour in fire. In Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Human Behaviour in Fire, Cambridge 13-15 July 2009. pp. 493-500. Interscience Communications: London.
Forsyth, R. S., Clarke, D. D., and Lam, P. (2008) Timelines, talk and transcription: A chronometric approach to simultaneous speech. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, 13(2), 225-250. ISSN 1384-6655.
Fossi, J., Clarke, D. D. and Lawrence, L. (2005) Bedroom rape: Sequences of sexual behavior in stranger assaults. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 20(11), 1444-1466. ISSN 0886-2605.
Clarke, D. D. , Forsyth, R. S. and Wright, R. L. (1999) Junction road accidents during cross-flow turns: A sequence analysis of police case files. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 31(1-2), 31-43. ISSN 0001-4575.
Beale, D., Clarke, D. D., Cox, T., Leather, P. J. and Lawrence, C. (1999) Systems memory in violent incidents: Evidence from patterns of reoccurrence. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 4(3), 233-244. ISSN 1076 8998.
Clarke, D. D. and Letchford, A. N. (1998) Action rules extracted by machine induction from feature-coded self-reports. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 13(1), 33-50. ISSN 0886-1641.
Beale, D., Cox, T., Clarke, D. D., Lawrence, C., and Leather, P. (1998) Temporal architecture of violent incidents. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 3(1), 65-82. ISSN 1076 8998
Clarke, D. D. and Letchford, A. N. (1995) Rules from behaviour: The use of a computational 'rule-finder' as a Social Psychological tool. British Psychological Society, Social Psychology Section Newsletter, (33), 4-13.
Clarke, D. D. (1995) Life scripts: Implicit representations of life-course patterns. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 10(4), 871-884

Contact Details
Email: David.Clarke@nottingham.ac.uk