Prof. Paul Taylor
Paul J. Taylor is Professor of Psychology at Lancaster University, UK, Professor of Human Interaction at Twente University, NL, and Director of the UK’s Centre for Research and Evidence on Security Threats. Supported by over £10m in funding, Paul’s research combines experimental, archival and field methods to understand the nature of human cooperation and aggression and, more practically, the kinds of verbal and nonverbal behaviours that promote peaceful resolutions. Much of this work has used sequence analysis to identify precursors of cooperation in contexts as diverse as hostage negotiations (Taylor & Donald, 2007), street fights (Levine, Taylor, & Best, 2011), and radlicalisation (Taylor et al., 2008). In 2008, Paul proposed the proximity coefficient as a generalised method for submitting the temporal relationships among behaviours to inferential test (Taylor, 2008). He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society for that work.
For more information, please visit Paul Taylor's personal webpage: HERE
For more information about CREST, please visit the website: HERE
Selected Publications (For a full list, please see HERE)
Levine, M., Taylor, P. J., & Best, R. (2011). Third-parties, violence and conflict resolution: The role of group size and collective action in the micro-regulation of violence. Psychological Science, 22, 406-412
Beune, K., Giebels, E., & Taylor, P. J. (2010). Patterns of interaction in police interviews: The role of cultural dependency. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 37, 904-925.
Taylor, P. J., Jacques, K., Giebels, E., Levine, M., Best, R., Winter, J., & Rossi, G. (2008). Analysing forensic processes: Taking time into account. Issues in Forensic Psychology, 8, 45-57.
Taylor, P. J., & Donald, I. J. (2007). Testing the relationship between local cue-response patterns and global dimensions of communication behaviour. British Journal of Social Psychology, 46, 273-298
Taylor, P. J. (2006). Proximity coefficients as a measure of interrelationships in sequences of behavior. Behavioral Research Methods, 38, 42-50.